The Shadowy Fiend

I realised that there needed to be a kind of 'final boss' of sorts. Thinking about incorporeal things, I quickly came to the conclusion that a shadow based monster would be best. A manifestation of worst fears so to speak. I sketched out on paper and pen a few different ideas, wanting to keep the idea of a scary mouth all the way through to bring in an element of unsettling and when I asked my friends which one they found most creepy, they said the one with the eye in its body.
My friend Lex established that it felt like it was watching her. The idea of the all-seeing eye as well as how the eyes are the window to the soul, so the fact that this monster could be ever watching was really interesting to me. I liked the idea as well of it having multiple limbs to be able to try and grab the Protagonist and thus I did another design with the arms included.

I really liked the idea with the extra limbs and dubbed it the Shadowy Fiend. It ended up being a mixture of the gas and the crewmate that is likened to the far of being watched, I really liked how unselling it was and the idea that it will be really ghost-like when it moves- like whispy smoke added to a floating ghost. The eyes are the only things that will be visible from time to time and the main idea is that it will grab and choke you- consume you and stop you/ Protagonist from escaping, This creature will be the tallest of all of them and can grow in size when you try to get closer and closer to your freedom.
I do think it lacks some definition compared to some of the other creatures I've designed, but overall, think it chalks up to the fact that it's supposed to be a shadow and I just wanted to show more definition.