Slide Pitch

On Friday, we had a meeting with some of our classmates to be able to re-run our ideas with people in a pitch-like fashion. I went on a Discord call with Marvin, Flora and Nerice. I went through my idea with them and got some good feedback. They really helped me with the planning and what to do with how i want it to look and REALLY think hard about mechanics. They all liked the new idea I had come up with, but the fundamental section of my game that really had me thinking was the HUD and how that effects my story.
Originally (as you can see above, I made some changes to my HUD idea. I had this layout where the character would be able to see their vitals and oxygen as well as their health and sanity. I liked the idea of having it in a way that was like a traffic light (I will show these better underneath). While that idea could be helpful visually as you could see that something was wrong before you fully know (if you're in a panic you could see that it was bad before you realise if you're hurt or the oxygen was running low).
While this seems like a good idea, the main reason this conflicts with my idea of it being first person perspective, was because I talked about possible cutscenes or mainly QTEs, (otherwise known as Quick Time Events). With this, to my knowledge, QTEs only really tend to work well when you are doing it in a first person P.O.V. It will be smoother and add an element of the game that heightens the fear of the player as they will have to try harder to escape the things they think they see.
Because of this, I want to be able to do a test of visuals to see how a third person perspective would look for the game, especially when it comes to things like QTEs. I will also try my best to be able to make another HUD so visually we can all see how it looks!
I am glad that I was able to get good feedback for this pitch as I feel like I will be able to make further changes to my game idea. I will also show the new storyboard at the end of this and briefly explain it too.

So this is the new storyboard. If you saw the last page about my pitch, you will see some elements that I tried to include. I had the establishing shots of the 'botanical gardens' and how the future looked as well as a brief view on the HUD before I fully did another quick mock-up.
I was happy with this, not as much as my last storyboard as I felt like my first one was more aesthetic and visually impressive (to me). I think it quickly gets across my idea for my new game, I just wish it was a little neater like my other one.
Written about on 28th November 2020.