Best Moment Capture

Script Translation as the voice is quiet without headphones:
This is a capture of me playing Overwatch and getting Play of the Game as D.VA!
The reason this clip means a lot to me, was because I was playing with Flora and I love to play this kind of game with friends. In the past I was told of a technique to use as D.VA where I fly in the air and drop her ult on the other team before they have a chance to run away. As you can see this worked- and usually, because I don’t have a successful time with using this technique for her ult- I was extremely happy to be able to win Play of The Game this way!
I love how this game shows you best bits and overall, it is a game I love very much and fills me with excitement each time I play- especially when you are awarded with Play of the Game!
This assignment was done to be able to show a part in a game that really gave us a great experience that made us feel 'something' and why.
Shown in class on 15th October 2020.