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Neo City- Concept Art

When making Neo City concept, I grabbed the last image I took of the city and sketched in an idea of how I wanted the city to look like.


As you can see, I tried to create a variation on the buildings to make them more distinct and to give them more character to the overall city. Some of the buildings are the same as the model, but they will all have unique colour pallets and will have neon elements to be able to really play on the idea of neon. I wasn't originally sure how I was going to do the neon look or even the streets, but in the end, I decided to line the buildings to show how they would all look structure-wise and then after some thought, I found that I could use a line tool to be able to make straight lines so I could then make different shapes to be able to make them all unique and get interesting colours around it.

Part of my inspiration for these buildings were Tron as the aesthetic is very much Neo Noir.


As you can see, I tried to create a variation on the buildings to make them more distinct and to give them more character to the overall city. Some of the buildings are the same as the model, but they will all have unique colour pallets and will have neon elements to be able to really play on the idea of neon. I wasn't originally sure how I was going to do the neon look or even the streets, but in the end, I decided to line the buildings to show how they would all look structure-wise and then after some thought, I found that I could use a line tool to be able to make straight lines so I could then make different shapes to be able to make them all unique and get interesting colours around it.

Part of my inspiration for these buildings were Tron as the aesthetic is very much Neo Noir.


This is the final piece of my concept. In the end, I really wanted to make Neo City pop with different vibrant colours so I got a neon overlay and relined all the buildings to make it look like they are glowing. I then did the same technique with the botanical gardens to be able to give it the 'beacon of hope' idea that I was going for. I even used this technique to show the idea of lamposts on the ground level of the entire piece to convey that it is a city and there still is a functioning society below. 

Added with the fact that I hardly do drawings of scenery concepts. I am very happy with how it turned out. I feel like it can also be recreated quite easily once more in 3D with all the buildings being unique assets. This could even be to scale and could support the idea of the group driving in at the start of the game, like a cutscene asset. 

I do think a lot of my perspectives are off and thus, it creates an illusion on the eye where all the buildings look crooked, but I understand that that was mostly my fault as the linework was a little complex. 

I am happy with it overall and think it does convey Neo City well.


These are some really rough concepts of the inside of the Gardens. The idea is that it will look like a National Park on the inside (think Yellowstone or Denali). Paths will help people along and then there is the idea that you should be able to find maps to guide you around as well as climbing through fake trees to get to the utility areas to fix the leaks and more. 

I'm okay with this, but I feel like it's weak compared to all of my other works. I feel like this is where the creators will struggle as I don't have much to offer them, but I personally thought my better focus was on characters as they are the things you will see the most/ have a major impact on how the game is played.

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