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Initial Plan

I spent a little while working on this idea. I know I want to get into character design as a whole, so the skill I would continue to work on would be Character Design. However, since I already draw a lot, I thought it would be best to try and focus on an area I get intimidated by, but would go hand in hand with my art skills.


And that is 3D Modelling.

I have done some 3D modelling in the past, when I was at college in my second year. We had to make a 3D pre-visualisation of a theme park ride of an animation of our choice.

My group and I decided to do 'Steven Universe' and these are the models I made that would be seen as you went on the ride:  


As you can see, the sections are relatively low poly- or have the appearance once you look at it without the grids.


I made all of these using Maya (as it was the only 3D modelling software we had at the time.



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I have since forgotten how to really do a lot of things in 3D modelling, so I want to start off at square on and learn properly. I have heard that Blender would be a good place to start, so I plan on looking up tutorials to begin my journey on getting better. 


I plan to start small, basic shapes will be the beginning.


The end goal? To make a creature or humanoid in 3D, so I can then go on to sculpt character designs I make in 3D and maybe even get better with basic environmental structures and backgrounds!


As I do this, I will document each stage within this Journal. I will soon draw up a plan on how I will effectively use my free periods to fully maximise work without risk of burn out.


I may also try some character design courses on the side to help with my sub foci- and that will also be documented here.


I plan to do at least an hour a week for each foci.




Finished for AM Class on 22nd October 2020.

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