Mood boards: Prison
So, wanting to capture a creepy and unsettling atmosphere, I took the idea that Nerice suggested to me with Prison Now I don't think I can just walk into a prison and demand they let me look around and take photos (even of dilapidated one- which I don't even know where the closest one is)- so I decided to look online as I remembered a show on YouTube called 'Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural' where the presenters/hosts Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej go to 'haunted' locations to try and prove if ghosts are real. I knew they had visited at least two prisons, so I went onto their Channel and searched and ended up finding three!

The three videos I found and got screen grabs from for my mood boards are as follows:
The Unbelievable Horrors of the Old City Jail (
The Captive Spirits Of Eastern State Penitentiary (
The Phantom Prisoners of Ohio State Penitentiary (
With my mood boards I planned to try and capture the essence of unsettling, trying to get shots where Ryan and Shane were not in the shot (so more like establishing shot-esque shots).
Here they are:

Old City Jail

Eastern State Penitentiary

Ohio State Penitentiary
As you can see, I got an array of screenshots to do with creating atmosphere. The idea of it being low light- only flashlights most of the time , the sense of decay due to neglect (as apparently some prisons are usually not kept in the best of ways so they get like this even while people are there). I just love how this can make people nervous as you don't know what could be lurking in the shadows.
I think that of I was to use these as a point of inspiration- then it would be something along the lines of:
You are a prison guard who has to make the night rounds, you only have your flashlight and as you go around your usual route, you start to see things in the shadows. Is it a ghost, a cryptic being or just your eyes playing tricks on you?
This is still very rough, but for a location idea that isn't too stereotypical for a horror based game, I think it would be very interesting.
Another note I want to quickly add, is that with the fact that they used night-vision to capture elements of the scenery too (especially since Ryan and Shane were mostly using flashlights), so I think that maybe I could have a way of adding this into my game a mechanic regardless of location (it will be dark so night vision would be a handy mechanic).
Again this is just me writing down my ideas so I don't forget them- but I will probably refer to this later when I start thinking about core mechanics and how the game can actually play.
Pictures gathered and written across 23rd and 24th September 2020.