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Review: One

Today, during our lesson with James, we had to get into groups and peer review our ideas for our essential ideas and game designs and get feedback on how to better the idea and help us develop it more. 


I was in a group with Molly and Valkar. I made sure to take notes on what they suggested as we had a very successful session and I felt like the ideas and suggestions they gave me were really helpful in helping me shape what idea this could really turn into. 

These are my notes:


At the start, I was very nervous. In my lesson yesterday, James said how VR might not be the best to do right now (it is complex and with COVID-19 right now it could be a hassle to have to clean the headset every time someone wanted to use it). Thus, I started to panic slightly and tired to think through If I should change my entire idea (I have notes on that, that I will put at the bottom of this page). 


So, where the writing goes a dark purple (after the green on the first page), is where I started to write down the ideas that were suggested to me by Molly and Valkar. 


I really like the ideas they gave me as I started to think how this could really apply to my actual idea. The idea of doing a game that doesn't rely on cheap jump-scare shots and instead focusing on how I can create a sense of atmosphere and anticipation that will cause my players to really be scared of what I have created but in sense of making them be sacred of going to sleep in the dark.


I also really liked the idea of luring my audience into a false sense of security. Especially with the idea where you have one jump-scare at the beginning, so for the rest of the game the players will be in fear about what will happen for the rest of the game. Add that with sound ques, I think it will  lend it self to be really interesting and will lend it self to possibly be quite an experience to play overall! Molly even suggested 3D audio when doing sound ques, so I will definitely look into that to find out exactly how I will do it to really help when it comes to sound design.


One thing I also want to touch upon is something that Nerice even suggested to me while we were talking.  I was talking about how I was still thinking about environment design- I didn't want to do it in an asylum or  hospital (too stereotypical) so I was debating woods or just a house and then Nerice suggested a prison.


This was a really interesting concept and I really liked the idea of it a lot as it could really lend it self to something really interesting.


I personally feel like I should start by exploring the prison idea as well as others, but I will create mood boards to help me visually with the inspiration.

Plan of Action
  • Mood Board for ideas of environment design.

  • Possibly watch 'Mirrors' (Per Valkar's suggestion.

  • Explore 'Anticipation.

My plan of action may look small, but I will be dedicating a page to each section of my plans. They may not be in this order, but I will name each page accordingly.


I am very happy with the feedback I got from my peers, I really think it has been really helpful with developing my idea- how to better expand upon my essential experience and how I can now delve more into my overall idea and even into possible core mechanics!


One thing I want to remember that Valkar said is:

"Horror games can be scary without jump-sacres"

Information written and gathered on Friday 23rd October 2020.

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