Matrix & More
Today in class we looked into matrixes and how to do them as it can lead into things such as AI and understanding what you want your games to be able to do! We also looked into Markov Chains and how these and state matrixes can help you understand variables of things within our games when it comes to the programming of the mechanics.
To show that we had an understanding of what we were looking at, we had to answer questions on these different matrixes here are my notes from today:

As you can see, I started relatively well. Maths is in no way my strong suit, but once I was able to wrap my head around the basics of what you would need for things like the addition or times, things became relatively simple. Though I didn't get it completely right the first time round, next time I will have the assistance from the computers that will be able to help me figure out if things are wrong.
Now the second one. Here with the state matrix, I really struggled. I managed to work out the idea of how they work, being able to use S= the safety of each area, it was just the idea of putting it into the table that really gave me trouble. James noticed this and when I asked him about it, he told me to think about the basic idea of how the algorithm will work and how it will help you with your game and the basic idea around that.
So, I ended up talking about that with my game, you would be on a hiking trail. You are a Park Ranger and as you are called out from your tower to take care of a disturbance (may be some silly campers) You start to hallucinate (?) things on the trail and in the distance. You will have a sanity level that goes down and while these things happen seemingly at random times, you find that the more you press on, the more you might be loosing your sanity. You can back track and you may be able to salvage your sanity and maybe check up on other sites, but you will then also be neglecting your main task and could get in trouble with the Main Ranger.
With this as my main idea, it helps me get a better understanding of how the variables could continue to help and how in the long run, it will help others if my idea gets chosen too (in terms of explaining what I would want the AI to be able to calculate/ the gameplay to be like).
Overall, I am quite happy with what I was able to do today. Though I had trouble with the math side of things, it really did help me develop on my idea even more and now I 100% think for sure I will go down the route of having a Ranger in a park, instead of a Guard in a prison.
Notes taken and annotated on November 5th 2020