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End of Semester 1

Now that semester 1 is over, I am nervous and excited. This semester I have really been able to learn and push myself to create some very interesting work, expand on topics I feel passionate about, and learn about entering the industry. 

Overall, I am looking forward to what semester 2 will bring. This semester really pushed the extent of the creation process to a place that I have never been and while I was worried my work was sometimes lacking, I feel like I was really able to pull through something coherent, and now I am working on an idea that sounds fun to work on! I will admit I maybe did try to bite off more than I could chew, especially with doing a few reviews on games that I thought would be good for my own personal ideas before I joined Marvin, but I'm glad I did them. Semester 2 will be very practical and I really look forward to being able to push my skills, even more, to be able to create Solum, and have a successful degree show that really shows my passion to want to work within the gaming industry! 

For semester 2, I will be documenting on my Notion, so I thank you for taking the time to read through this website. 

See you all in semester 2!

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