Doing my presentation was very stressful, at this point I felt like I was starting to loose steam on what I wanted to do. With personal things going on in my life, I started to get a little overwhelmed by the idea of doing an idea that linked so heavily with trauma.

So, we did get feedback in Kinopio and while I love using this to get my feedback, I found that I didn't really get feedback. Like I got most of it on Idea 2, which was the one I felt most strongly about, but I was a little bit sad to see that I hardly got anything else from my class (I'm in a class of around 20 people). Despite this, if I was going to choose an idea to take forwards, then it would be Idea 2.
While I was proud of the ideas I have made, I was starting to think it best to put these ideas on the shelf and join someone else to make a team to make their idea instead.
I also felt like it was going to get too intensive if I was working on an idea by myself, so I ended up talking with my classmate, Marvin Chatting, and asked to join his game as I really loved his game idea and wanted to help him make it.