
Traumacore is not supposed to be seen as an aesthetic. It is often seen as more of a coping strategy by using visual imagery to express themselves while dealing with trauma. It can be seen as ‘vent art’ by some too.
It’s origins date back to 2010 and often conveys the themes of reclaiming innocence after trauma by using angelic and cute themes and characters like the Sanrio cast. Though traumacore itself isn’t seen as an aesthetic, it does take imagery from other actual aesthetics like Yume Kawaii, liminal spaces and more. It often focuses more on trauma associated through childhood, but can often be used to reference adult trauma as again, it is about trying to reclaim the loss innocence through the traumatising events.
Drawing upon the angelic, delicate and childlike themes, traumacore then blurs the line by bringing in disturbing text, often using very negative words and phrases such as: “I am broken”, “I hate myself” and “Disgusting”. A rotting aesthetic can often be depicted within these images, abandoned houses or decay as a way to also contract against the cute characters that are then placed in there.
Some people also make musical playlists that incorporate a traumacore feel with titles such as: S l o w l y D y i n g (a traumacore playlist).

It is frowned upon to participate within the community of traumacore if you have not a survivor of trauma yourself as then it as seen as romaticising and fetishization of a very serious topic. While it is there to help those cope, it is also recommended that people who use it as a coping mechanism don’t use it as a sole way to get better in place of therapy and medication.
There is also a problem of those who use it will often cross-hashtags, and without proper trigger warnings for those who could stumble across it. As it usually depicts the Sanrio cast and borrows from other aesthetics, those who are looking for solely Hello Kitty content and not the ones related to trauma could become distressed at the disturbing imagery. Thus it is recommended that those who participate are careful and think carefully and only use tags related to the traumacore tags and nothing more.
One final issue, is potential art theft. As these are considered art and each vent post is very much related to an individual's trauma, it is considered polite to reach out to the original creator and ask for permission before reposting the artwork. You should then also tag the original creator (this is seen as polite etiquette in any art based area of the internet).
Though there isn't really much more to talk about on this topic, having this kind of visualisation really shows me and others just the true effect of how trauma can shake someone.
I myself have partaken in drawing 'vent art' but haven't shared it online so I only relate to a small degree.
While considering where this could take place within a possible game, it would mostly come from the idea of having it play into the visualisation of trauma. How people can see things when their mind is not in a good headspace and more.
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